Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hi, ya ini gue masih longki yang sama.. hahaha

btw gw baru" ini belajar design lewat Macromedia Flash.. Awalnya gue buta bgt ama nih software, tapi ya karena ada hasrat ingin mencoba ya gw liat" dari youtube, dan akhirnya gw ketemu cara" jalanin alias make tuh software.. And gw mau share di sini beberapa hasil amatir karya gue, soo klo jelek maap ya~

karya di atas ini gw kasi nama X-mas, soalnya tuh karya buat ngucapin selamat natal~ enjoy ya.. hehe

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My First Step


This is the 1st time I create a blog, I don't know what to share so better I introduce my self first. My name is Hutomo and my nick name is Longki, people used to call me Longki. I am 17 years old when I create this blog. I still in a high school. In school my grade was not too good and not too bad so I'm just an usual student.

My hobby is to play computer, I said so because I don't have anything to do besides to sit in front of my computer and play.

Umm.. Maybe this is the end of my introduction.. So see u at my next post.. Bye... :)

NB: klo ada salah grammar maaf ya.. Inggris gw masih amatir.. :p